OK so I REALLY slacked off there in the last part of my pregnancy!
To re-cap: I'm obviously not pregnant any more. I had a little bit of a hard time during that last month. The weekend of Aidan's birthday I landed myself in the hospital with contractions and they were afraid it was false labor. I dilated to 2, but they were able to stop them by pushing LOTS of IV fluids and just waiting to see what happened. Thank GOD because I was only 34 weeks. However, I did not have long to wait. At 37 weeks, 3 days I got the bright idea to take my son bowling. Not wanting to be the only one left out, I actually bowled an entire game (granny style of course). All that squatting must have signaled to Abby that her time was up because my water broke that night. In the chaos that ensued, I went to the local hospital instead of driving all the way to Shands, and ended up having another c-section. Not the birth that I had planned, but at 11:26 pm on April 22, my precious little girl arrived, healthy and perfect in every way.
Life right now is a little crazy. Going from one to two is hard in the sense that I'm so busy taking care of Aidan and Abby that I sometimes have to put my own needs on the back burner. Some days that means getting up at 7:30 am with Aidan when I've had zero sleep because Abby fussed all night, or not getting to eat lunch until 3pm, or not getting to shower until 5pm when Daddy is home to take over. However, I truly would not have it any other way.
Abby is amazing. She can be a little diva at times and isn't as laid back as Aidan is, but she's still a great baby. She started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, and I was able to breast feed her for the first three months before my milk dried up. She resembles her big brother in a lot of ways, just with less hair. Go figure I would have a son born with a head full of hair, and a daughter who is semi-bald!
Aidan is also doing REALLY well. He wasn't so interested in Abby when she got here, but he warmed up to her quickly. He's a HUGE help around the house and you can tell he loves her. He'll go up to her and talk to her and she just gives him this big gummy smile....it makes my heart happy. It's crazy to see how much he's grown in what seems to me like a short amount of time. I mean I remember doing what I do now with Abby with him four years ago. I'll be reminiscing about him being a baby and then he'll come up to me and we will have this intelligent conversation about something random, like how it's rude for puppies to lick people because they don't ask first (his words, not mine!). And I will be blow away with how it all goes by too fast. It's a nice reminder to savor every baby minute with Abby.
So now that we are pretty much caught up, I will try to blog as often as I can, keeping everyone updated on Abby's milestones, Aidan's big kid milestones, and the fun (and the crazy) aspects of having two kids!