20 October 2009

Time to Baby Dance.....Well Almost...

In my head and my hormones really need to get in sync with each other.  My head says we should really wait to try and have another baby until official orders, so we know if we have to move at the end of next summer or not.  My head is telling me we should save up money before we get pregnant so we're not stressing over buying more baby furniture.  My head is also telling me, wait until Aidan is potty trained so you're not drowning in diapers, and while you're at it, lost a good 15 lbs beforehand so you don't develop diabetes again.  My head is annoyingly right on the money.

My hormones, however, have a different idea.  They're screaming for another baby ASAP.  They make me crazy, getting me all teary eyed when I see pictures of Aidan when he was a baby....making me feel like a jealous fiend when I see a pregnant woman, or hear about friends getting pregnant.  I almost feel like it's a conspiracy, everyone is pregnant, everyone except ME!  I want it so desperately...even though I know the desire to have another baby is intensified by hormones, I can't think rationally about it.  Oh wait, I CAN think rationally, I just can't act rationally.

And so, it has been decided, my hormones win.  If you're a female, and have been guilty of eating a box of cupcakes, or all the bags of candy you bought for the trick or treaters, you know....hormones always win.  So after talking to my husband (who has no idea about hormones by the way....ugh, men, they have it way too easy), it has been decided that the ONE chance we have to get pregnant when he's home between deployments, we will try.  If it happens, it happens, I'll be ecstatic.  If it doesn't, then I will continue to torture myself with thoughts of pregnant bellies and baby names until next deployment is over.  Time will tell.  And if anyone wants to know, all I want for Christmas is a BFP.


  1. Then Thanksgiving should be REALLY fun for you!!!

    You can snuggle my new bundle by day, and I'll leave the nights to you.

    I remember how irritating all this was last year for me, I hope yours works it self out as easily as mine did.

  2. awww i hope you get what you want for christmas! i know how bad you want it. make sure you practice and practice when casey gets back...remember that practice makes perfect!!! :)


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