08 October 2011

9 Weeks!

I avoided writing any blog posts until after our first prenatal appointment. Not that anyone was missing much, since this pregnancy is already going much more smoothly than Aidan's did. My nausea is minimal, as opposed to all day, every day like I had with Aidan. I'm tired, but nothing I can't manage with a nap here and there. And the girls have grown to what I feel are massive proportions, which may be attractive to my husband, but it's just downright painful to me. Those are pretty much the only symptoms I have, so a tiny piece of me was worried that our appointment would not go as we were hoping.

But, good news, our appointment was wonderful! I was extremely nervous...it was like dejavu because this time last year I went to my first prenatal appointment and received bad news. Even the nurse who was taking my bp remarked on how fast my heart was going (sidenote: despite my nervousness, my BP was a phenomenal 110/70, so it looks like no PIH this time around!). My husband, however, happened to be extremely confident in the fact that I was still pregnant. He said, "Do you want me to prove to you that you are still pregnant? Let's go get pizza...buffalo chicken pizza..." On a normal non-pregnant day, I'd be all over it. For some reason though, this baby does not do pizza, not even of the buffalo chicken variety! Needless to say the suggestion turned my stomach and I got nauseous thinking about it. Even still, I was grateful he was able to put my mind at ease, if only for a few minutes.

Enter the doctor. He congratulated me on producing an egg all by myself (yay!). We went over what medications I'm still taking, and my past history. He did the physical exam and the whole nine yards, and then it was time for the ultrasound. I anxiously keep my eyes on the screen, and as soon as the wand was inserted, I could see a big black void with a blob. He readjusted the wand and there it was, my little jelly bean! He adjusted again and I could see his/her tiny heart flickering nice and fast. Here is a picture of my little bean:

Relief is not the word to describe that moment...more like complete and utter joy. I teared up a bit, thanking God that my little bean was doing great. After that I was on a high for the rest of the day. I think I called everyone I could think of to tell them we have a heartbeat! And amazingly, I am keeping my original due date of May 10th, because at 8w 6d, the actual baby was measuring 9 weeks even. I was worried that my irregular cycles would mean I'd have to push my due date back because I rarely if ever ovulate on CD 14. But luckily for me, I keep my due date and only have 3 more weeks left in my first trimester.

So everything went really well. I'm staying on the metformin until my next appointment on November 2, at which point they will start to wean me off. And I will be taking the synthroid throughout the entire pregnancy, which is good. Other than that I just need to relax, and try to curb my cravings for junk food. This baby LOVES potato skins! Until next time, here's a picture of the 9 week pudge. I wasn't this big with Aidan until about 13 weeks, but I guess that's what a healthy appetite and lack of nausea will do for you!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post Justine! Good to see everything is going well :) Also, I started showing way early with Anya too. When I was like 2 months along I looked like I was 5 months pregnant! Haha!


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