15 October 2011

Trip to the ER

***Warning, this may be TMI***

Well, we've had our first official scare with this pregnancy. Earlier today, I went to the bathroom, and noticed the toilet water had turned red. It stayed bright red with about three wipes, and then turned brown. I spotted frequently with Aidan, but this was unlike anything I ever experienced with him. First, it was just bright red blood, and there was so much. Then when it turned brown, all I could think of was what happened last year's miscarriage (I spotted brown). I'd been having minor cramps on and off the last couple of days, so I was really starting to freak out. I walked into the living room, trying to find the words to tell my husband what was happening and I couldn't. Luckily for me, he knows me so well, he knew just by looking at my face. We called my OB's answering service and I told him what happened and he told me to go to the ER. At this point I'm crying because I can't think anything but worst case scenario. Aidan, concerned that I was crying, held my face and said, "Mommy please don't cry, everything will be alright, I promise." No words for how much that melted my heart. After I calmed myself down enough to change clothes, we dropped Aidan off at a friend's house, and sped our way to the ER.

Once we got there, everyone was so nice. We were taken right away, thankfully. They explained they would take some blood to check out my hCG levels and give me an ultrasound. The doctor came in and took notes on what I was experiencing and told me that we would have to wait a bit for them to call someone in to do an ultrasound (apparently they don't work on weekends). After about an hour, a woman came to take me to do an ultrasound. They wouldn't let Casey come with me, which was hard on both of us. We were both so worried, and he was pretty much keeping me together. If I was going to get bad news, I would need him with me. But hospital policy outranked my wants, so off I went by myself.

The tech tried an abdominal scan first, and she was able to see there was a baby right away. She said she had a lot of measurements to take, but that there was a baby (she showed me on the screen) and there was a heartbeat (THANK GOD!). After that wave of relief I watched as she measured everything she could possibly measure. She measured the sac and the baby last, and they came back at 9 weeks 6 days, which is still within range of my 10 week 2 day GA based on my LMP. She measured the heart rate and it was 169, which is also good. She gave me two pictures of my little one to bring to Casey because she knew he was upset he couldn't witness the ultrasound:

In the top picture you can see the head at the right, and make out the eyes. In the picture on the bottom you see more of the whole baby with a head, belly, and four spots where his/her hands and feet are. It was such a relief to see my baby was doing OK. After the ultrasound, we waited another hour for the radiologist to give the go ahead to release me.

They have no idea where the bleeding is coming from. They released me with a diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage. It doesn't mean I'm definitely going to, and just because the baby looked OK, doesn't mean I'm not going to in the near future. So they told me to go home, rest, avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. My OB called while I was there and he was told everything that's going on. My hCG came back at 95,000 and that seems to be a good number for 10 weeks. I will probably have another draw on Monday or Tuesday, depending on what my Dr. wants to do. I feel a little better having seen the baby, but I'm still concerned about not knowing where the blood came from. It's not completely gone, but it has tapered off to just a brown spotting. Hopefully it just completely disappears. For now I'm just going to try and relax, and pray that I get some answers when I see my doctor. But I ask that everyone please keep baby bean in their thoughts and prayers. Hopefully this will be the only scare I have this time around.

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