02 November 2011

Helllloooooo Second Trimester!

Tomorrow I turn 13 weeks, which means I'm knocking on the door to my second trimester! I'm so happy to have made it this far...I can rest a bit easier since chances of m/c drop significantly after 13 weeks.

I had my 4 week checkup today. I didn't see my regular doctor, but a student who is working with the doctor and midwife at the practice. She was very nice so I didn't mind seeing her at all. I gave her my list of complaints, reasons why I thought my synthroid wasn't working as well, and asked about fioricet. She said that because I have a history of migraines, it would be a good idea to see a neurologist because having a headache every day is not just because of the pregnancy. So I'll have to go back to my primary physician to get that referral put in. And they said it was too early to test my thyroid again because 4 weeks ago it was 2.6 (YAY!). However, because of my complaints they'll be checking the levels again in 4 weeks just to make sure I'm still good.

Otherwise, everything looks OK...BP was a bit high 136/80, but then again I've been battling a headache for the better part of 2 weeks so I wasn't surprised. Baby's HR was in the 130s and she found it right in the spot where I've been feeling all the flutters. I lost 4 lbs...no clue how I lost weight since I've been great in giving into my insane cravings (i.e. downing two kickin coney hotdogs from sonic like it's my job lol). I think a lot of it has to do with my loss of appetite...by the time dinner comes, I literally have to force myself to eat (one of the reasons I thought my synthroid needed to be increased). They're also weaning me off metformin, so that's one less pill I have to worry about every day! My next appointment is November 30. I will also be making an appointment at the 3D sonogram place for December 2 to find out the gender of the baby. Casey won't be here for my 20 week growth scan, and I really wanted him to be with me when we found out boy or girl. So, one month from today, we'll be doing a short 2D ultrasound package to find out if the baby is Jackson or if we will be fighting about girl names from here straight until May.

Also, I think I did come to the decision about how I'll be giving birth. The hospital policy here is to perform a c-section rather than push for a VBAC. However, my doctor's office said that if I want a VBAC, they would send me out for a VBAC consult around my 28 week mark. If that comes back OK, then I would just come to the local hospital, and tell them that I refuse a c-section. She said that there are risks, and they will make me sign forms acknowledging those risks, but I have the right to refuse a c-section. SO, if I want a VBAC, I can still use this local hospital (which is so convenient because it's literally 5 minutes from my house). I know I swore when I witnessed Paxton's birth I'd never do it, but a big part of me is saying not to worry about the pain it'll be easier to recover from. I remember then massaging my uterus after my c-section with Aidan because they thought I was hemorrhaging, and there's probably nothing more painful than that (I almost passed out from the pain). I know this means we'll be waiting around for me to go into labor, but I really think that's the route I'm going to take. I'm less nervous about doing it that way, than opting for a spinal block and letting them cut me open while I lay there worrying that the feeling is going to return and I'll feel them sewing me up.

That's about it. I was very happy to hear baby's heart beat because I can't always find it with my doppler at home. But she found it right where I usually do, and where I've been feeling all my little flutters. I can't wait for December 2 so I can finally start saying he or she. But if November goes by anywhere near as fast as October did, it'll be here before I know it!

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