14 March 2012

32 Week Check Up

Today completely threw me for a loop. I was expecting a normal, easy checkup, but my body had other plans. Despite a hectic morning, getting Aidan off to school, running home to fix him a lunch because he was staying at school until 2pm, and running back to the school to give him the lunch, I was able to make it to my doctor's appointment on time.

It was anything but the usual routine appointment. It started with a really bad dizzy spell at the doctor's office that had them concerned initially...they called it passing out, but I didn't fall or remember losing consciousness, I was just really out of it. After that was over, my BP started climbing instead of dropping, which then had them concerned about pre-eclampsia. Then they checked my blood sugar and saw it was higher than they would like it to be. I answered a bunch of questions from one of the midwives and my actual doctor and they had me lay down for a bit longer. My doctor came back to do the usual exam....Abby's HR was great, I'm measuring right on track, and everything else was looking good. Then I mentioned the contractions. It's not anything new, but the past few days they've been super painful and wrapping around to my back. So he decided to check my cervix. I'm starting to dilate already, so they swabbed me for a protein that might indicate preterm labor and brought in the ultrasound machine to check it. It's still 4cm long, which is good (anything under 3 is a concern he said), so now the only thing I can do is wait to hear the results of the protein test. He wants to see me weekly now to keep tabs on my contractions and my BP though, so no more 2 week appointments. And I've been instructed to rest more than normal...it's not bed rest, but he doesn't want me running errands all day like I've been doing recently.

UGH...so that's all I know for right now. They're also setting up a consult at SHANDS for my VBAC even though I haven't been able to locate the surgical report from Guam. So that was a bit of good news. He said they will probably allow me to try for the VBAC without it, but since we don't know if there is any underlying problem with my pelvis, my chances for a successful VBAC is only 50%. I think I'll take 50% over a scheduled c-section!

So, here's hoping the protein test comes back negative and I don't have to worry about Abby making her debut too early. And I'm praying I don't get put on full on bed rest...with Aidan's birthday party coming up, him being in school, and getting everything ready for Abby, it would just be a huge bummer. I'm not entirely sure what the plan of action is if the test comes back positive, but I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.

UPDATE: The protein test (fetal fibronectin) came back negative which is awesome. It basically means that the chances of me delivering within the next two weeks are extremely small. However, it also means I just have to suck up these contractions and deal with them as best I can. But the negative result does make me worry less about how frequent and painful they are, so overall, it's great news.

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