25 September 2010

COME ON!!!!!

OK, about 2 weeks ago I went to the OBGYN and they gave me a scrip for Clomid, which I can start on days 5-10 of my cycle.  Well here we are going into week SIX of my current cycle and still no AF.  This HAS to be some kind of joke.  My boobs have been killing me for three weeks....I honestly forgot what it was like to lay on my tummy and not hurt myself....I can't even hug Casey without wincing.  I've been hella tired for the last week...to the point where I've taken up drinking coffee, and if you know me, you know I don't do coffee.  I've been crampy, bloated, and constipated like whoah (not apologizing for being TMI, this is my blog after all).  I've been craving foods left and right that I should soooooooo not be eating.  Just now I saw a commercial for the KFC fried chicken sandwich with no bread...you know, the one that has bacon, pepperjack cheese, and spicy sauce smothered in between two deliciously friend pieces of chicken????  Yeah, fighting the urge to run out and buy, as I type, right now.  This really is the never ending PMS cycle from HELL.

So I've come up with a solution.  Tomorrow morning I will pee on a stick (which shall now be known as POAS from this point on).  And one of two things should happen:  either I get a BFP (big fat positive) or AF finally shows up later in the day, possibly the next morning.  I'm thinking the latter of the two since the doc did a pregnancy test before she gave me the clomid scrip.  Either way, I'll be thrilled. 

I know some of you might be confused.  Why so anxious to start the five day stretch most women loathe to endure every month???  I'm not crazy, I promise...I just want another baby.  As long as I'm stuck in this PMS cycle, there is no chance of making baby #2.  I need my next cycle to start so I can take my Clomid, get all my blood tests done, and finally get some answers as to what the heck my body is doing.

So.....keep your fingers, toes, arms, legs, and eyes all crossed tight for me.  I really need something to give...

1 comment:

  1. justine,

    i really hope you get that BFP!!! i'm praying for y'all :) good luck!


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