Tomorrow we start our third round of Clomid. This time I'm on Metformin...I haven't noticed a difference in using the Metformin as of yet. I've been on it for a little over a week, and I haven't lost any weight. I'm not sure if that's because the Metformin won't be enough to cancel out the weight gain side effects from the Provera, or if my lack of going to the gym and eating out with my family and devouring all the yummy food my grandmother has been fixing for me. I'm thinking it's most likely the latter....
Anyway, I'm kind of zen about this whole thing. I think the baby fever has subsided. Don't get me wrong I still want a baby in the worst kind of way. I'm all out of emotional energy. I think I've just finally reached that point where I feel like it'll happen whenever it happens. Whatever it is, I definitely don't have the anxiety or the excitement I had before I started the last two attempts.
Also during this attempt, I'll be charting my BBT. I have the alarm set on my phone for 6:30 every morning, in case I don't hear Casey wake up in the morning. I've been pretty good so far, taking it when I'm still half asleep. The OPKs were a disaster...way too hard for me to read. At least with the BBT, if I'm consistent, I'll be able to see if I ovulate, and pinpoint the day since Clomid can delay ovulation. So we'll see how it works out. I know one thing is for sure...I'm a lot happier now than I have been in the last month. Maybe resigning myself to just letting go and trusting it'll happen when it's supposed to. I don't know why I felt like I was on a "deadline" before, but the pressure is off now. Maybe it's a sign. Who knows? Only time will tell.
Chin up. Sounds like you are in a better mind set at least. =)