17 May 2011

Beyond frustrated

With all the different signs I've been monitoring, everything pointed to impending ovulation. I had my first positive (glaringly positive, just like last month) two days ago on Sunday. I took one in the early afternoon and one in the evening, and both were darker than the control line. Yesterday's early afternoon OPK was still positive...the line wasn't as dark as it had been, but it was most definitely still the same color as the control line. I didn't bother with the nightly test because I knew the fading test line meant my LH surge was ending. Yesterday my cervix was high, soft and open, and my CM was watery (just as it was the month before). And, I even had (what I thought was) ovulation pain in my left side over those two days. I swore up and down that this month was a success, just as last month was.

Apparently I was wrong. I woke up this morning and my BBT was higher than usual, but definitely not a spike that indicated ovulation. I had a good night's rest, and nothing was out of the ordinary. I don't get it...how could the rest of my body be signaling ovulation but my body never released the egg?!

I feel like this is a major set back. I'm unsure of what to do...I'm debating on calling my doctor and explaining this all to him to see what he thinks. I really just want some answers. Is the pain on my left side because of a cyst which prevented me from ovulating? Did my CM, cervix position, and OPK signal my body was ready for ovulation but I just didn't have any viable follicles?? I hate this...I was just starting to feel satisfied with the whole TTC process and now I feel like I'm right back at square one. Words can not express how incredibly frustrated I'm feeling.

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