19 May 2011

Even more hope...

So I was trying to find causes of erratic BBT. During my searching I found a couple of blurbs here and there about "slow rising" BBT after ovulation, something about the hormones being a bit slower to rise after ovulation, which causes a slower temp rise instead of a sharp one (like I had last month). Looking at my chart, that might be what happened to me this month. I can't find what causes it, the only things I've read say that it's normal for some women.

To recap, here's my chart from last cycle:

And this is my chart from this month:

Today was the first real rise in my temp that I saw. I'm hoping tomorrow it stays above the green cover line. If it does, then it may mean good news. I had my blood draw today, so I'll know eventually. However, the office closes early on Fridays, so I have to call at 11:30 and if they don't have my results, I will just have to try to remember to call while we're down in Orlando. Fingers crossed...

1 comment:

  1. I know you will remember to call. Happy thoughts and best wishes.


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