16 January 2011

Premonition or Just Obsessed?

I dreamed last night of getting a BFP.  The details are hazy, but I remember waking up thinking I was pregnant.  We're in this two week wait, and I have a ways to go before I can even contemplate testing.  I haven't even been obsessing over it because I still need that blood test to confirm the clomid worked.  I don't know if my baby fever is finally coming back to me in full force, or if my body is telling my subconscious something.

I don't mind having these dreams....they actually make me smile, even if they are just a product of my obsession.  It reminds of what's in store for me.  Whether it happens this month, or three months from now, I'm excited.  I just need to keep focused on that when I have moments of impatience or frustration....easier said than done!


  1. I've had those dreams too, getting that BFP and waking up and not being sure if it was real or not!! I hope it was a premonition and this is it for you. Good luck! Love, Emily

  2. As long as you're not upset by them.. who cares which they are? Hopefully they're a premonition though. You're a fantastic mom, any kid is lucky to have you! <3

  3. A month before I received my BFP I had 3 pregnancy related dreams .... fingers crossed
    The month I got pregnant I had 3 dreams about water


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