21 January 2011


Today has been a very busy day.  I got up at 8, and anxiously got ready to go have my CD 21 blood draw to determine if the dose of clomid they started me out with was sufficient enough to make me ovulate.  Even though I knew I wouldn't get the results I could feel the tightness in my head as my blood pressure rose.  Not good, I know.  I need to keep it under control.

Anyway, so I decided to run my errands to allow me to walk around...the only exercise I was going to get today since I had Aidan with me.  I stopped off at Walmart and got whatever I knew the commissary wasn't carrying.  While I was at it, I bought Aidan this huge yellow tube of mini M&Ms because he was such a good boy while I was at the doctor's and while I shopped at Walmart.  I also knew it would last him through my short trip to the commissary, so it was a good investment on my part.  I went from Walmart to the commissary...a 5 minute drive.  I did my thing, and got everything I needed to get, no problem.  And just as I suspected, the tube of candy lasted my entire trip to the commissary.  Aidan ran out of M&M's just as we were about to check out.

I didn't have money to tip the baggers.  And I always feel insanely guilty about letting them bag my stuff without leaving something.  But I saw the self-check out was completely empty.  I didn't know if I had 40 items or less, but there were a couple of regular check out lines empty.  I decided, screw it, I would just check myself out, I wouldn't be holding anyone up.  So I chose the bigger check out station, with the bags that sit on the carousel because I had a good amount of stuff to check out.

I started with my frozen goods because they were sitting on the seat of the cart (Aidan was sitting in the big part of the cart with the rest of my stuff).  I start ringing up my items.  Right away on my first item, the computer tells me that the weight for the item I rung up is wrong, and to please putt the correct item in the bag.  I shifted the bag so that it sat on the metal part instead of sitting on the stack of empty bags behind it.  So I continue to ring up the 7 boxes of kid cuisines I got for Aidan.  I get to about the 5th box, and the computer tells me the weight isn't right, again.  I wiggle the second bag I started on, thinking I was having the same problem.  I try to scan the next box, and it won't scan.  The computer tells me to please wait while someone comes to help me.  Mind you, I'm at the station RIGHT in front of the cashier who's supposed to keep an eye on everything.

So the lady comes over right away, swipes her badge, and I go to finish ringing up the boxes.  Then out of nowhere she stops me and goes, "Those aren't rung up, I need to take them out of the bag." and she starts taking the kid cuisines out of the bag.  I'm like, "What?!?!".  There's no way they didn't, I was paying attention, I know they rung up.  So before I can recheck, she starts re-ringing them, trying to keep tabs on what's going up on the screen.  She's all over the place, trying to count how many mac n cheese boxes I have and how many chicken nuggets and match them to the screwy items I have up on the screen.  I'm like, "Ma'am they're all there."  She argued with me and told me they weren't.  I told her, "No, look, beef patty is for the hamburger, Chick bread is for the breaded nuggets, and cheese blast is for the mac and cheese."  She stops for a minute and looks at the screen, and says "No, these aren't paid for."

At this point the few people there were in the store are staring at me, including the baggers who didn't have anything to bag.  So I tell her, "Look, they're all $1.50.  There are 8 items rung up, seven of them are $1.50.  That's the five boxes I run up originally and the two you just did.  Look at the screen there are seven charges for $1.50.  They're not coming up as Kid Cuisine, they're coming up as the type of meal that they are."  Finally, after really LOOKING at what I was saying about the screen, she says to me, "Oh, ok, I was mistaken, I'm sorry."  And walks off.

At the same time, her manager had come over to see what the trouble was.  He got there just as she was walking off, and she didn't tell him anything.  So he's hovering over me, staring and watching everything that I do.  I'm like are you kidding????  So I'm ringing up the rest of my items, keeping an eye out, making sure Aidan doesn't put anything in the bags that are already packed, because I can imagine how THAT would have looked.

I get everything all set, and the manager goes back into his office, when the lady goes, "You need to pay for those M&Ms."  I just look at her...like do you seriously thing I'm trying to pull a fast one on you?!?!?!  I told her he came into the store with those, and I could show her the receipt that was in my purse if she needed me to.  By the way, in the commissary, they don't even SELL the giant tubes of M&M minis...they only sell the small blue tubes.  You'd think if she worked there, she'd know that.  Anyway, she tells me, "Oh, OK."  That's it.  No apology for making me look like a shady ass thief, no telling her manager that she was mistaken, nothing....just "Oh, OK." And people were STILL staring, like they couldn't believe I'd try to steal in front of my child.  I probably wouldn't be so mad had people not stared.  I was mortified.  Not to mention I had the manager breathing down my neck, making me feel like they were convinced I was up to something.  I tried to keep my cool, and didn't make a scene because I didn't want to draw even more attention to the situation, but I'm still really upset.

Needless to say, my blood pressure went right back up after that episode and I'm right back where I started.


  1. Wow! I can't believe they did that. The manager could have at least apologized for pretty much assuming you were stealing.

    Sorry that happened. I hope the rest of your day is a lot better ((hugs))

  2. Girl I am so sorry they treated you like that. You need to file a complaint. ((hugs)) I hope your day gets better.


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