Last week was horrible. After Friday I began to feel a little better because I thought if the doctor's office had bad news, they would have called me right away. But when I woke up this morning, all I could think about were knowing for sure what the test results said.
So I called, and spent 15 minutes on hold while the doctor was talking to a patient in his office. Apparently my results had just come in that morning (which threw my bad news theory out the window) and they were in his office, but the nurse couldn't interrupt them, so she said she'd call me back. The waiting was agonizing. All my old doubts came back and I felt so anxious. Finally she called back and went through everything...I mean everything! HIV and STD screening came back negative, I'm type A negative, blah blah, blah...I know all that!!! Finally she said, "OK, hCG is nice and high, and progesterone is 7.1, and you're about 5 weeks...". So I asked, "My hormone levels are good for 5 weeks along?" She plugged them into the computer and said "Yup, hormones consistent with a 5 - 6 week pregnancy!"
THANK GOD! So, thanks to my PCOS, we just conceived 3 weeks later than we thought we did. Actually, that means we conceived after I was given the scrip for my clomid, talk about funny. And I know I'm not in the clear until I'm out of the first trimester...we still need to hear a heart beat at our next visit on the 28th. But I have so much more hope now, and I'm a lot happier than I have been the last couple of days. So YAY! And thank you so much to all those who called to check up on me, and sent their prayers and good vibes my way. I'm so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing support system of both friends and family. Love you all!
I am so happy that it was good news! You guys will continue to be in my prayers!